Monday 25 April 2016

It's getting chilly in here!

As the temperature has dropped suddenly, this seems timely....

I have several sets of terrain in various stages of completion, and with starting cowboys and injuns, will need a set for them too. Unfortunately there are several terrain sets needing completion ahead of them... So we need to make some inroads into that long list!

At present, the playable terrain collection includes a snowy ruined city, desert, most of a temperate/forest area and a 6-15mm scale city.
The latest addition to the snowy ruins (it's been sitting here for nearly a year); maybe we should give the city a name, so it can develop some personality?
Pre-snow; I block in the areas I'm going to cover with snow with a basic student's artist acrylic; this means you're putting white over white, and not grey.

 Here it is with a ton of Woodland Scenics snow dumped on it. Underneath this is a layer of snow mixed with the white acrylic, PVA glue and water to make a nice gloopy paste; I found I needed to add the white paint as the glue was turning the snow yellow on some older pieces. This layer bulks things up too, so it looks like the snow's been building up a while in places.

 I'm quite happy with the overall effect :)
So this project is already succeeding - I've made more progress on this today than in months!

What's left to be done:

Top left:The biggest ruin, an administration building or basilica, this is made (like most of the ruins) from Pegasus kits. Top right: Mausoleum garden (GW Garden of Morr). Below that and bottom left are the mausolea themselves (the statue is already painted). The low-walled pieces (from the GW terrain balconies) will be filled with skeletal trees (I need a handful of Woodland Scenics armatures for these) and the piece left middle is a couple of ruined stores, a newsstand on the left of the piece and a store on the right.

I have occasional thoughts about doing a frozen river or canal, and my GW Forgeworld Road set could use renovation too, but that's in the future and there are other projects to finish first!

Next time: Back to the cowboys.  Maybe even some musings on terrain for them :-D

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