Monday 18 April 2016

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

A curious title you may think, but there is a good reason behind it.
While reviewing the pile of minis we had brought back from Salute and Adepticon, the missus and I (yes, both of us - she's a gamer too :p) realised that we'd amassed a rather large collection of stuff over the last few years and that something really had to be done to address the number of models that have never seen paint, much less a table top!

I ran across the '6 month mountain reduction challenge' some time ago, and we both thought this was a great idea.

Having seen Black Scorpion's preview of the upcoming 'Tombstone' kickstarter at Salute, we remembered having bought a lot of the initial line when it was first released, so we pulled out the copy of the now sadly defunct Warhammer Historical's Legends of the Old West that's been languishing on the book case for a couple of years and knocked together a couple of posses...

I settled on a Lawmen posse (werewolf off to the side for later scenario use....):

 And two after a lick of paint:

 Vigilante (left), Upstanding Citizen (Right).
I painted the mini who will be the Sheriff - Black Scorpion's Sheriff, some time ago - now I just need to find him!

Sabbatwolf settled on a gang of hard-bitten frontierswomen, using the Cowboys(girls) list. There's a Bombshell Mini and an old metal Perdita Ortega from Wyrd Miniatures (pre-Malifaux) in there as well as the Black Scorpion girls.

I've also decided I'm going to finish these guys:
As soon as possible. A mix of Spectre Miniatures, Empress Miniatures and Dead Earth Games' minis, these will be for modern skirmish, post apoc/zombies and maybe even hopping through a stargate or two :) The need to paint these has been brought into stark focus by my purchasing pretty much all of Spectre's new Ultramoderns at Salute....

So we're off to a start.

Updates to follow :)

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